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Welcome to 26Miler

Steps to Activate 26Miler Skill

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Voice command list

- Alexa open 26miler
- help

- Alexa ask 26miler to check my last activity

- Alexa ask 26miler to check this week's run summary
- Alexa ask 26miler to check this week's walking summary
- Alexa ask 26miler to check this week's biking summary
- Alexa ask 26miler, how much I ran/walked/biked this week

- Alexa ask 26miler to check last week's run summary
- Alexa ask 26miler to check last week's walking summary
- Alexa ask 26miler to check last week's biking summary
- Alexa ask 26miler, how much I ran/walked/biked last week

# More commands would be added in future

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